Saturday, February 12, 2011

7mi. (92:30; 13:13min./mi.) @ 65-80% HR(avg: 133bpm) w/ 1531’

Ran today's treadmill workout before class.  I need to put more elevation in my runs, so I mixed up the slope%.  01: 2%, 1-2:3%, 2-3: 2%, 3-4:4%, 4-5:6%, 5-6:5%, 6-7:7%.  My goal is 6600 feet for this 9-day segment.

PM: 14.45mi.(2:56:48; 12:14min./mi.) @ 65-80% HR (avg. 142bpm) w/ 795’ ascent (-9 to 7% grade)

So I ran out in the cold.  I've been on the treadmill too much, so I set out for an out-and-back 14-miler.  It was about 20 degrees and I ran with my camelbak full.  I ate a cliff bar about 5 miles into the run.  The hills wasn't so bad, but I walked a couple of the steeper ones to keep my heart rate down. 

Wednesday, February 9, 2011

Treadmill 2% (630’ ascent) recovery 6mi. @ 65% HR (~12:30min./mi.)(avg hr 120);

I started the day off at the gym in the sauna for an hour (150-158 degrees) and drank a whole gallon of water in an effort to ward off this cold, or whatever I have.  Later at 6pm, I ran a recovery 6 miles on the treadmill at 2% to simulate a 630' ascent.  I kept my heart rate around 120bpm, which happened to be around a 12:30min./mi. pace.  I put my recovery socks on for 3 hours later.  Not ready to sleep in them yet.

Tuesday, February 8, 2011

Treadmill Tempo 7mi. (73 min.; 10:25min./mi. avg.)

W-U: ran BF (1mi.) 1-2mi.: 10-9:40min./mi.; 2-3mi.: 9:40min./mi.; 3-4mi.: 9:31min./mi.; 4-5mi.: 9:13min./mi.; 5-6mi.: 8:57min./mi. C-D: ran BF (1mi.)  Didn't feel great today, so I took it easy.

Monday, February 7, 2011

6 miles (72min.;12min./mi.)1st 2mi. In Vbrm 5fingers 1% at 1.5mi, 2% at 2.5mi, 3% at 3.5, 4% at 4.5

I am trying to put some incline in my distance running, so I pushed the "incline" button. (528' ascent) Sauna 30mins. 168 degrees

Noon: 12.34 miles (2:24:20; 11:40min./mi.) w/ 715” ascent PM: recovery socks (6:30pm-8:30pm)

I decided to mentally challenge myself, so I ran around a 0.7mi. loop for the first 7 miles.  At one point I listened to the same song for a couple miles.  I call it monotomy training.  Afterwards I wore my recovery socks.

Friday, February 4, 2011

AM: Stairmaster 4.43mi. Level 6 (45 mins.;10:09min./mi.) 2120’ followed by 3x1min. sprints (4min. recovery)

So someone at work was using the treadmill, so I decided to hit up the stairmaster (it's been a couple/few weeks).  I stepped level 6 Pikes Peak for 45 mins.  It ended up being 4.43 miles with 2120' ascent. I then hit the treadmill up for some 1 min. uphill sprints (12% incline).  I ran them at 8.6mph(6:58min./mi.), 8mph(7:30min./mi.), and 7.5mph(8min./mi.) with 4 min. recovery rest.  C-D: BF 1 mi.  TOTAL: 5.6 mi.

Tuesday, February 1, 2011

5 miles (61mins.; 12:12min./mi.) on treadmill

Took it easy today.  Felt run down after long run yesterday and had some pain in right leg (also tightness on right pcl?), so decided to take it easy today to recharge for tempo workout tomorrow.  I ran the first mile barefoot.

Monday, January 31, 2011

10.7 mi. (2hrs; 11:13min./mi.) run outside w/ 626' ascent

In the morning I iced my legs for 20 mins. in my garbage can.  It was around 30 degrees today, so I decided to run to the gym for heat training in the sauna.  After around 5 miles I find out the sauna is being fixed, so I ran 1.5 miles on the treadmill before eating some pretzels and heading back home.  I finished my camelbak before heading back, so I filled it again.  I also ran with my backpack over my camelbak.  I felt run down afterwards, so I ate, put on my compression socks, and laid down for a bit.  I kept the compression socks on for 1.5hrs.

6 mi. (65 min.; 10:50min./mi.) "Speed Workout"

I needed to get a speed workout in, so I hit the treadmill.  I've been trying to run more barefoot, so I ran the warm-up barefoot.  Mile 1: 8min./mi., then 4mph (0.5mi.), and mile 2 @ 8min./mi., with another 0.5mi. at 4.5mph this time (4mph was too slow and the recovery was too long), last mile run at 8min./mi., followed by a cool-down (1 mi. barefoot).  I've been also trying to recover quicker to accomodate my increasing weekly mileage, so I wore my compression socks for an hour.  I plan to increase this over the next couple months.

Saturday, January 29, 2011

5 miles barefoot on treadmill (60 mins.; 12 min./mi.)

Easy treadmill run, trying to focus on 180 steps/min.  My right achilles is a little sore still, but barely noticeable when I take quicker steps.  The pain goes up the calve a little, but I hope it disappears with time.

Friday, January 28, 2011

7 mi. (1hr. 43mins.; 14:42 min./mi.) ascent: 1477'

I decided to get some "hill" work in.  I am trying to stay inside to avoid getting sick again, so I ran on the treadmill.  I started my warm-up (1 mi. barefoot) at 1% and increased 1% each mile until I was at 7%. 

Thursday, January 27, 2011

AM: 5.5 mi. 52 min. (9:45 min./mi.) (W-U: BF 1 mi.) on Treadmill.

So I am at work.  This is the first long run since before I was sick.  I didn't have time to run it all at one time, so I split it up (11:45am and 10:15pm). 

PM: 3.5 mi. W-U: BF 1 mi. Total: 3.5 mi. 43:23 min. (12:24 min./mi.)

I ran both warm-ups barefoot.

Tuesday, January 25, 2011

3 mi. (29:17) (9:45 min./mi.) Quick Treadmill Run before Dinner

A long day of studying, so I barely had time to squeeze in a 3 miler before dinner.  I ran another mile for a warm-up barefoot.  My calves have been sore, but I can feel muscles in my legs that haven't been used in awhile.  I am short in mileage this week and was short in time today, so I picked up the pace to around 8 or 7 min./mi.  Only ran 3 miles but that will have to do.

Sunday, January 23, 2011

Treadmill 5.5 mi. (67 min.; 12:18 min./mi.)

At work still (working 38 hrs. straight), so I ran on the treadmill.  Did my warm-up (1.25 mi.) and cool-down (1 mi.) barefoot.  Felt a little tight in my right calve, but I feel light and counted my steps (~160/min.).  Trying to shoot for 180 steps/min.

Saturday, January 22, 2011

4 mi. (45 min.) (11:15 min/mi.) Cold forcing me indoors

So I decided recently to run more than I drive in 2011, but this latest cold front (single digits) has forced me inside.  I ran the warm-up and cool-down barefoot.  I plan on doing more and more of my running barefoot, especially when it warms up.  It felt good to get back to running.

Wednesday, January 19, 2011

Sick and new goal

Ok, I got another sinus infection.  I finally went to the Dr. and started my antibiotic.  This has led to me missing a week of running.  I have trouble sleeping at work (I'm a firefighter; it's ok) and tend to over train sometimes.  Hopefully, I will be able to run tomorrow to work.
This leads me to my new theme.  My goal for 2011 is to run or bike more than I drive.  This achieves two sub-goals.  First, it lowers how much I pay in gas.  Second, it forces me to get off my butt and put in the mileage.  I figure I have to put in 4,000 miles (~80 miles/wk).  This doesn't sound like a lot of driving, but the more I run/bike the less I drive.  Also, I'm not including when I take mass transit or when my girlfriend drives.

Wednesday, January 12, 2011

Dreadmill "Speed" 72:26 min.; 7.2 mi. (10:06 min./mi. w/ w-u, c-d, and recovery run between)

Getting used to ultra training.  Speed workout before meant sprinting or near it.  Now my speed workout is 800's at 7 min. 
W-U:  3 to 7 mph (2 min. ea.) 10 min. 0.85 mi.
           800m 8.5 mph 0.5 mi.
           400m 4mph 0.25 mi.
           800m 8.7mph 0.5 mi.
           400m 4mph 0.25 mi.
           800m 8.5mph 0.5 mi.
           400m 4mph 0.25 mi.
           800m 8.5 mph 0.5 mi.
           400m 4mph 0.25 mi.
           800m 8.5mph 0.5 mi.
           400m 4mph 0.25mi.
           800m 8.4mph 0.5 mi.
           400m 4mph 0.25mi.
           800m 8.3 mph 0.5mi.
           400m 4mph 0.5 mi.
           800m 8.3 mph 0.5 mi.
C-D:   6 to 3mph (2 min. ea.)

I was going to do 6 sets but ended up doing eight, so I'm happy with this workout. 

Monday, January 10, 2011

Fartlek 68 mins. 7 miles (9:48 min./mi.) 428' ascent

Started day off with Icing my battered legs for 20 mins. and doing my new habit (doing an exercise to take my mind off the freezing water).  350 3 lb. tricep extensions.  300 push-ups on knees aftterward

Decided to run before work, so went out for fartlek.  Started off slower and slowly picked it up.  Maybe it was cuz I didn't have my camelbak on or maybe it was because today was a lot less hilly than yesterday.  I felt good and opened it up a little.  I got a lot of funny looks.  Maybe because it is freezing out or maybe it is because I was wearing a scary clown neoprene mask.  Keeps my face warm without freezing up.

Sunday, January 9, 2011

Long Hilly Run with some Lowden Stairs 2hrs13mins.10 mi. (13:23 min./mi.)1,908' ascent

203 steps
Felt like doing some hills and I was due for some mileage, so I drove over to Lowden (Oregon, IL).  The weather was descent.  My goal was to get as much elevation as I could get without compromising my pace too much.  I felt good as cars cruised past me on the country roads after I left the park.  I picked up the pace a little.  Those stairs really slow me down.  When you get to the top you can look at the Blackhawk statue and when you get to the bottom, you can look at the half-frozen river.  I had someone stop for the second day in a row asking me if I needed a  Clothing: compression leggings, spandex shorts, running shorts, adidas pants, ss shirt, light fleece, black neck warmer, hat, light gloves.  If I repeated this workout 9 more times, it would be equivalent to finishing the Leadville 100 in 27hrs15mins. (except for the thin air and the cold night)...I have a long way to go!
I iced for 15 mins. afterwards while I did 12 sets X 15 reps 3lb. back rows.  sounds wimpy but I tend to neglect my back and it ends up being  180 reps.

Saturday, January 8, 2011

Procrastination.....Easy Day 6.09 miles (10:59 min/mi.) with 353' gain (that's alot in Illinois)

Icing my legs
Ready to Brave Cold!
I decided to keep eating before running.  I need to have an iron stomach in Leadville.  I ate 2 bananas, two bowls of cereal, and a shake.  The weather is cold again.  24F yesterday, and 18F (feels like 6?).  Reworked my balaclava into a thick neck scarf and wore my hat my mom made..My first song is "Mannish Blues [I'm a man]"...Modest Mouse gets me into the freezing weather.  I have shorts, tights, and thick pants that I first wore during 9/11.  I didn't hear about it til a few days later.  The weather doesn't feel as cold as yesterday, but I was only out there half as long.  My camelbak froze again..this time about 1 mile in.  No signs of wild life, so maybe it was too cold for animals to get out.  I ran along the road to simulate going to the park.  I did ice my legs for 25 mins. beforehand, so maybe that's why it didn't seem as cold.  I did my arm exercises while icing my legs.  This saves me 20 or 30 mins. during my day.  Ultramarathon training takes up alot of time, so every little bit helps.  I ran in and out of drainage ditches to get that elevation.  I wish I had the mountains at my disposal, but there is something nice about the country straight aways with just you and the snow.  I saw maybe 5 cars the whole run. 

Arm exercise (while standing in ice bath for 25 mins...with 4 2L and 1 Gallon)
  7.5 lb. swing: 5 min. and then 1 min.
  Overhead swing (5 lb. kettleball): 20 X 4 sets
  7.5 lb. curls: 40, 50, 30, 30
  Dumbbell Overhead Tricep Press (20lbs.): 15 X 4 sets

Use roller on legs

Friday, January 7, 2011

Freezing My *ss off...10.15 miles in 1 hr. 50 mins 481' ascent

Okay, had to try my new hunter orange (flourescent) bala clava to run today as I jammed out to metallica and s.o.a.d.  My goal, finish the 10.15 miles in 1 hr. 50 mins. and that's exactly what I did!  Now if I can just do that at Leadville (good pacing, not 11min/  I am still figuring how to import my heart rate chart into the blog.  There is something magical about a country roads..I ran on the side of the road and pretended through my sunglasses that it was a ridge going up in Colorado and the trees on the other side of the farmers' fields were other ridges.  I ran as fast as 5:21 min/mi. pace during one of my many bursts for this fartlek workout.  I felt good.  The wind was strong on the way back on Hwy 38.  My balaclava froze and one of my ipod buds fell out..too cold to deal my long run in though ;)  The weather was 24F, so I'm sure this was single digits in the wind.

Thursday, January 6, 2011

Stairmaster, 45 mins. (9:38 min./mi.) , 2,140', Level 6 Pikes Peak

4:45am Woke up early and couldn't fall back asleep at work, so I hit up the stairmaster.  Level 6, 45 mins. (machine wouldn't go longer), Pike's Peak Workout (Up and then down)
4.47 or 4.67 miles, I forget.  The screen disappears so fast and I was light-headed.  I am still trying to kick
this cold.  I gained 214 floors (2,140 feet).  It's no Hope Pass but I'm getting there.
This workout was really hard for me.
Iced legs 15 mins.

swimmer: 10, 10, 10 (ea.)
side leg lifts: 15, 15, 15 (ea.)
Flutterkicks: 15 (5 4-count sets)
Swimmer on hands & knees: 10 ea (3 sets)
Side 2.5lb. raises 200 
400 mg IB

Wednesday, January 5, 2011

Easy Day

At work and need an easy day after my "long" day yesterday.

3mph to 5mph (2 min. ea.) (6 min.)
5mph (49 min.)
          1 mile   13:20
          2 mile   25:20
          3 mile   37:20
4.8mph    4 mile   49:50
4.5mph    2min.
4.3mph    2min.
4mph    2min.
3.8mph  2min.
3mph    1min.

Total: 5mi. 64:06

Iced knees with ice pack for ~10 mins.
Took 400 mg IB

Tuesday, January 4, 2011

Treadmill or should I say "Dreadmill"

Wanted to get my long run of the week in today, so I headed to the treadmill at work.  Plus, there is a tv.  Minus, it's in the basement.  Again, I consumed a little before (banana, coffee) and during (ensure shake).  I wore my camelbak and drank all 70 oz..I believe it was 70 oz.
W-U: 3 to 6 mph (2 min. ea. ) 8 min.
6 mph 62:04 (6 miles)
5.5 mph 43:38 (4 miles)

Total: 10 miles (10:37 min/mile)

C-D: barefoot jog 5mph to 3mph (2 min. at each 0.5 mph) (0.65 mi.)

Total mileage: 10.65 miles

Took 500 mg of IB & Iced legs in 32 gallon trash can with 3 frozen 2-Liters

Monday, January 3, 2011

Healthy and time to practice walking uphill

Ok, in an effort to train for Leadville's Hope Pass I have incorporated walking uphill on the treadmill during the winter.  I am lucky enough to have a job where I can work out while I am there.  As much as I hate treadmills, our new treadmill goes up to 12%.  I ate before to practice walking on a full stomach (ok, only a banana and coffee) and had a cliff bar during.  I also put on my camelbak (70 oz.) to get use to walking with it.  So, here it is:

mph     mins.     %
2           1         12
2.5        1         "
3           1         "
3.2        21       "
3.4        30       "
3.5        15       "
3.6        15       "

Total     85mins. (4.76 mi.) 3016' gain

This wasn't at elevation, but if I can do it faster and longer, then maybe I will be ready for Hope Pass.  I will slowly pick my total walk time and maybe the pace a little.  I may add a little weight in my camelbak too.  During the race I will be used trekking poles to take some stress off my quads and knees, especially on the way down.

C-D: barefoot run (10 mins. at 3mph, 0.5 miles)

Followed workout with 100 push-ups (over the course of the next hour)
I am switching my "resistance workouts" to one exercise or two over the course of a day rather than a bunch of exercises in a short time.  I figure that the race is going to take 30 hours or less (hopefully), so I should train specifically for that.

Sunday, January 2, 2011

Healthy again..or at least I think

So I've been sick and really wishing I could go run..finally gave it a shot today.  Since I am a slow ultramarathon runner, I consider this a tempo run. lol  My stomach hurt after the treadmill work, but it is better than the pain from not running.
W-U: 3 to 7mph 10 min. (0.8 mi.)
    7 mph (10 min.)
    7.5 mph (8 min.)
    8 mph (6 min.)
    8.5 mph (4 min.)
    9 mph (1 min.)
    Total: 37 min. (4.28 mi.)
    C-D: 7 to 3mph (0.68 mi., 10 min.)
    I followed this tempo run with some ab work.
    Abs: 20 crunches (5 sets); Pike (1 min.)x3; oblique crunches (15 ea. Side)
   It's a start.  I will finish the Leadville 100!